God Of Fire by LukaTee

LukaTee testimony Behind the Song God Of Fire 👇👇

The song 'God of fire' came as a result of revelation I received which shows that God's presence wasn't with me like I thought it was. Before then it was revealed to two friends of mine how I was shouting in a dream and no one could help, within that same week I had the most shocking one. I was admits of demon possessed men who were chained both hands and legs, and I was told to sing for their deliverance which I did but with no result ( it was like I had pour more fuel on a fire) They were more possessed, that I had to run away to avoid their attacks. Still on a run my phone rang and I had my father voice asking "where are you" I described to him my location he laughed with a thunderous and horrified voice and said 'wait for me am coming' I was much terrified, can this be my father's voice, I asked? I further inquired, he laughed " hahaha and answered, I am your father the devil, wait for me"  l looked at my phone screen and it was terrifying by it looks, so I ran to a place where I found relief. When I woke up I cried out to God for forgiveness, which He granted. But to confirm that he had truly forgiven me, I placed a request, saying 'I know you have given me so many songs but please Lord, give me a song that will bring healings, success, anointing, prosperity, miracles, deliverance, to mend the broken hearted and anything that believers might need to help them in this Christian race. Behold some seconds after this prayer the song GOD OF FIRE came. The song shows God's presence in all situations of life, as it was in time of Moses (his presence), Elijah (consuming fire and a living God), Pentecost (comfoter, which brings total transformation from been human to superhuman). The ten virgin lamp ( to stay awake in his  vineyards) e.t.c This song will only work for you if you believe in God's presence in your life as a fire.


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